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This is a work for anyone interested in the political and cultural results of the entry of the small state of Judah and its capital Jerusalem into the wider Hellenistic world in the second century BCE. In particular it forms a helpful introduction to the biblical writing called 1 Maccabees, which is preserved in the Apocrypha. 1 Maccabees is a history of the rebellion of the Jews against their...

London in 1653–57. The Armenian text appears to relate to the Old Latin tradition rather than the Greek. The Evidence of Josephus In sum, the manuscript evidence for the text appears to take us back to an early Latin translation used by the second-or third-century CE Church (though some have suspected a Jewish translator), and to an early Greek text, in both pre-Lucianic (i.e. the q group of miniscules mentioned above) and Lucianic versions. The few references to and quotations of 1 Maccabees in
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